حل مشكلة اعادة التشغيل على الريكفري A705F U3 9.0
A705F U3 9.0 FIX DRK – dm-verity Failed FRP ON
اولا نقوم بتحميل هذا الملف لتحميل الملف
A705F U3 Android 9.0 FIX DRK - dm-verity Failed Frp ON RMM ON
ونقوم بتحديده في خانة BL
ثانيا نقوم بتحميل فلاشة لرسمية بنفس حماية واصدار الملف الذي قمت بتحميله في الاول .. ونختار ملف AP ونقوم بتحديده على اي بوكس بخانة AP وتحديد تفليش الـ SYSTEM فقط
ونبدأ في عملية التفليش ومبروك عليك حل المشكلة
ممكن ريكفرى لجهاز جالكسى a505f u3 الحمايه الثالثه
ردحذفLook at the way my buddy Wesley Virgin's report begins with this shocking and controversial VIDEO.
ردحذفWesley was in the army-and soon after leaving-he unveiled hidden, "self mind control" tactics that the CIA and others used to get whatever they want.
THESE are the exact same secrets many celebrities (especially those who "come out of nothing") and top business people used to become wealthy and successful.
You probably know that you only use 10% of your brain.
That's mostly because the majority of your brain's power is UNCONSCIOUS.
Maybe this expression has even taken place IN YOUR very own head... as it did in my good friend Wesley Virgin's head about 7 years back, while driving a non-registered, beat-up trash bucket of a vehicle with a suspended license and on his banking card.
"I'm very frustrated with living paycheck to paycheck! When will I finally succeed?"
You've been a part of those those types of questions, right?
Your success story is going to happen. You just have to take a leap of faith in YOURSELF.